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Topics examples for OCES 4964 and OCES 4974/4984


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OCES 4964 OST Capstone Research Project (2022-23)

1. Contamination of marine food chain by antibiotic residuals and antibiotic resistant genes

2. How warming impacts marine primary productivity

3. Phage therapy for oyster diseases

4. Literature review on the diel variation patterns of microzooplankton grazing

5. Is GGE (gross growth efficiency) of protists temperature dependent?

6. What are the impacts of environmental stresses on the coral-endosymbiont associations?

7. The role of mixotroph in biological carbon pump

8. Status of Capture Fisheries in Hong Kong

9. Environmental DNA and its use on conservation science

10. Bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons in coastal waters

11. Fish environmental DNA and its use in marine science

12. Insights into the green algal evolution and genomics

13. Bioactive compounds as new antibiotics from marine environment


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OCES 4974 Ocean Science and Technology Project Research I & OCES 4984 Ocean Science and Technology Project Research II (2022-23)

1. Water quality monitoring of Hong Kong’s marine fish culture zones

2. Using eDNA to study the coral cover and reef fish diversity in Hong Kong waters

3. DNA barcoding of ocean plastic in Hong Kong coastal waters

4. Assessing pathogen risks from microplastics in Hong Kong waters

5. Remediation of salinization in Yim Tin Tsai coastal area

6. Phosphorus fluxes and speciation in coastal sediment in Hong Kong

7. Riverine organic matter cycling: insights from ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry and big-data approaches

8. Phosphorus speciation in the coastal marine waters in Hong Kong

9. Effects of chlorine and UV disinfection on the cultivability of E. coli: implications to the monitoring of the microbiological quality of sewage effluent

10. Organic matter cycling in cold seeps and hydrothermal vents: insights from ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry and big-data approaches

11. Spatio-temporal distribution of macrofaunal assemblage in a subtropical intertidal system

12. Ecology of the seagrass, Ruppia maritima, in Hong Kong